
Reviews for Kung Fu Knights (#10572)

Review by Alessandro Grussu on 22 Jan 2012 (Rating: 1)

An appalling attempt at crossing martial arts scrolling beat-em-ups in the Kung-Fu Master mould with Medieval Europe, Kung Fu Knights is a pathetic and amateurish effort. The gameplay is boring and repetitive, the graphics are bland and unimaginative with some "gems" as the badly masked arrows coming out from nowhere, and the sound is simply grating - with a particularly annoying rendition of the Air from J.S. Bach's third orchestral suite. When you lose your last life you don't even get a "Game Over" message - you are instantly thrown back at the title screen! Avoid like the Black Death.

Review by WhenIWasCruel on 14 Nov 2017 (Rating: 1)

Pretty terrible stuff.


Review by YOR on 16 Jan 2019 (Rating: 1)

An unplayable mess that had no right ever being released. How on earth can you even avoid the flying arrows? Progression is completely impossible and so don't even bother to waste your time on this because it's not worth it, at all. And the person who wrote it? It was his only known release. No wonder.