
Reviews for Death or Glory (#1293)

Review by Stack on 03 Jun 2014 (Rating: 1)

Badly named game as neither death nor glory really feature as the alien hordes are so witless and weak.
This game looks nice and scrolls well but has zero playing appeal. Your task is to bomb and obliterate the mother ships by moving over them pressing fire whilst persued by the aforementioned useless defence. And so you will 'succeed'.
Anyone who wants to add a game to their completed list should play this and clock it. Anyone else, avoid.

Review by WhenIWasCruel on 01 Dec 2016 (Rating: 2)

Multi-directionality in space, while swarms of kamikaze spacecrafts crash against you and you can't do anything about because for mysterious reasons you don't seem to be equipped with a spacegun, but you surely have lots of spacebombs and you can drop them on the space platforms hung in the middle of space, which are supposed to be the mothership and boom bang kaboom you can blow it up square by square until you're unto the next level with a different shade of monochromacy. It's smooth! It's fast! And it doesn't go anywhere!

Review by YOR on 17 Apr 2018 (Rating: 2)

What a bloody strange game this is. It's a shooter but with no shooting from you. They can fire at you but you cannot fire at them. Instead you hover around a, ship I presume, and making it explode piece by piece, and that's all for gameplay. I mean it isn't dreadful but it's hardly an exciting game, especially for its price. This is a game that would have easily been passed by Zeppelin for £2.99 and Alternative for £1.99, but no CRL were charging £8.95 for this, a game where you just go around making things disappear and can't shoot anything.

Review by Ketmar on 22 Sep 2021 (Rating: 2)

Welcome to the first and the only Eraser Tool Simulator!

Had you ever used a tile-based map editor, where you have to slowly move your coursor over the rows of tiles, keeping "action" button pressed to erase them? This is exactly what this game is.

It's a shame, really, because the scrolling is smooth, the game speed is OK, and it could be a decent shooter in the style of "Bosconian". But it isn't.