
Reviews for BBC Mastermind (#13210)

Review by YOR on 21 Mar 2019 (Rating: 2)

On paper Mastermind is a sort of quiz game that should really work on computer form, but this doesn't. And why doesn't this work? Because rather than answer questions from a wide range of categories for your specialist subject, do you know how many categories there are? Two. Films on side A, sport on Side B and that's your lot. So if you want history, music, geography, science, tough, it won't load the data because it doesn't exist and your game basically ends there and then. And this was £9.95 on initial release back in 1984, roughly £32 in today's standards, and all for two categories of questions. If you wanted more questions you had to buy a separate quizmaster pack for another £5.95, so while the majority of quiz game have the questions already loaded in the program, here you have to purchase them separately. There's only one word to describe this game - pass.