
Reviews for Delfox (#1334)

Review by Raphie on 16 Feb 2011 (Rating: 2)

This is a pretty bad shmup. Three things are wrong with this - 1. your ship moves far too fast around the screen which makes it difficult to control. 2. the sounds effects in this game are dreadful. 3. the hit collision detection is a nightmare! Shots go right through the enemies several times before you finally shoot it down.

All in all I am not entirely impressed with this game, worth avoiding me thinks.

Review by WhenIWasCruel on 18 Nov 2017 (Rating: 2)

Frantic horizontal shoot'em up maybe moving just a slight bit too fast, and with your spaceship doing some strange and not entirely comprehensible movements. Anyway, it seems rather dull.


Review by YOR on 31 Mar 2020 (Rating: 2)

I don't know what I can say about this game, except it's pretty mental. It's pretty fast, maybe too fast, and the sound is, interesting to say the least and it wasn't ideal for the ears, especially if you're wearing headphones like I was. They were a Christmas present from my son Rocco aka Wonder Boy (look back at my review for that to see why I call him that), the last thing I needed was this game's “sound effects” ruining them. To put it mildly, Dinamic released far better games compared to this.