
Reviews for Devil's Crown (#1381)

Review by WhenIWasCruel on 21 Jan 2015 (Rating: 3)

Strange arcade/adventure with killing fishes chasing you. Unless you shoot at them, in which case they start to run, insofar as fishes can run. I like the graphics too, it's weird. Then there are lots of items to take, and I don't know what to do with them. But it's the fish running away that convinces me.

Review by dandyboy on 21 Jan 2015 (Rating: 2)

Pyjamarama´s poor relative . . . 2 / 5.

Review by The Dean of Games on 22 Jan 2015 (Rating: 3)

Not bad by any means.
It follows the structure of other arcade adventures, with the usual pick up/use object routine and with a few submarine nasties to devoid you from your goal.
Yes, the game happens under water, while on a small blue submarine and between the wrecks of a pirate ship.
Graphically the game as a style of it's own, which I'm sure detracted a lot of players, but it's always nice to see something different from the bunch.

Review by Ketmar on 14 Aug 2020 (Rating: 4)

It was already reviewed by others, but i feel that i should do it too, because i think that this game is better than average. Yes, there is nothing special, we've seen this formula exploited to death, but i think that graphics style makes this game to stand out of the crowd.

Ok, the game itself is your usual "go there, take that, and bring it somewhere" thing. There are rooms with some flashing objects, and you have to find the corresponding non-flashing object, then place it at a flashing one. There are nasties, and your oxygen level is constantly decreasing (because you're underwater), but you can find some oxygen supplies around the ship. Who'd guess that ancient pirates had oxygen tanks from the future with them, and those tanks will survive for centuries, still fully functional? Another pirate mystery, i guess.

It sounds like a really boring task, but somehow the graphics makes it fun for me. It is more on a primitive side, but in the same time it is colorful and strangely atmospheric, even surreal sometimes. Try this game if you like to wander around in dream-like places, carrying random things with you.

Something around 3.8 for me, so let it be 4.