
Reviews for Dick Tracy (#1387)

Review by Raphie on 19 Apr 2010 (Rating: 1)

What a fine mess of a licence this was! Badly drawn sprites with no colour, complete with poor gameplay and zero sound effects makes this undoubtably one of the worst licenced games I've ever played. I was a big Dick Tracy fan growing up and if I had paid £10.99 for this stinker back then I probably would have cried for weeks. Plain awful.

Review by YOR on 10 Jan 2018 (Rating: 1)

Now that I'm back at work following my broken foot, these reviews of mine will be few and far between going forward apart from weekends, and that may end up being a good thing as long as I'm playing crap like this. This game has no colour, no sound, no anything. It's clearly a rush job and it looks like something done in a whole day's work with little thought at all. This is absolute tripe and Titus charging £11 for this is an insult. It has to be considered as one of the very worst licensed games on the Spectrum, and possibly one of the very worst full stop.

Review by The Dean of Games on 01 Mar 2019 (Rating: 2)

1990 Titus (UK)
by Herve Trisson

A very poor shoot 'em up, with little redeeming qualities, has no sound, no color, and the graphics are your everyday crap.
This is supposed to be based on the innovative Dick Tracy movie, but it could serve for any game happening on America's 30s. And the movie villains, which are it's more captivating quality, are nowhere to be seen of the game, at least recognizable, so what was the point, cash a buck?

Review by Darko on 01 Mar 2019 (Rating: 1)

Where do I possibly begin with this travesty and what can I possibly say that hasn't been said already? This hardly resembles the movie or the comic or it hardly resembles Dick Tracy as a whole. It's almost as if it was written as a copy of it and yet they still managed to get it licensed. And it's not even the worst licensed game they did either, you can thank Superman for that.