
Reviews for EastEnders (#1569)

Review by Raphie on 11 Feb 2009 (Rating: 1)

AAAAH!!! What is the point of this game! Who in the right frame of mind decided to make an Eastenders game! Everything about the game is dreadful, the gameplay is very boring and the graphics are pitiful.

Simply put, it's hard to find a game worse than Eastenders and the game rightfully placed as one of the worst games ever.

Review by Alessandro Grussu on 12 Feb 2012 (Rating: 1)

I never watched the TV series; I don't believe it was ever broadcast in Italy. I only knew about its existence by this - let's call it this way - "game". Well, if the series is as horrible as the game, then it should be banned from view! The game seems some reject from 1982, let alone 1987; it's so bad it makes you laugh - just like some cheap and trashy movie!

Review by p13z on 28 Jun 2013 (Rating: 1)

A game, licensed from possibly the UK's most popular TV show at the time, and retailing for £9.95. You might expect there to be some kind of quality. You'd be wrong.
It begins with a hideous reproduction of the theme tune, and then everything goes rapidly even further down hill. A cringe inducing collection of CGC / Cassette 50 quality mini-games, all seemingly lacking any fun.
Just save yourself the disappointment and annoyance.

Review by dandyboy on 30 Jun 2013 (Rating: 2)

I like absurd games but this is too absurd !!

I don´t give it a one because the graphics are cute and because there is variety within the game .

1,5 out of 5 .

Review by Rebelstar Without a Cause on 30 Jun 2013 (Rating: 1)

Eastenders perfectly captures the essence of the show by being utterly crap.

Review by The Dean of Games on 01 Jul 2013 (Rating: 1)

1987 Macsen Software (UK)
by the Towers Associates

I suppose EastEnders was released as a "normal" game and not as a joke on the TV show, well, it ended up flabbergasting players and critics who expected something more serious. And no wonder, after all there isn't much sense to the game. I must admit I never bought the cassette, I only played it thru emulators, so I'm not as angry as some users who spent their money on it.
Probably because of that, I can sit with some distance and laugh a bit at games such as this one.
After all they also have a place in Spectrum history, if not only to make you laugh a bit.

Review by Stack on 12 Sep 2013 (Rating: 1)

This is an East London simulator apparently, but I don't remember East London being this terrible, not even Forest Gate.

Misfiled in the WoS archive in the 'games' section, this program, Eastenders, is a psycological excercise in schadenfreude. In the 80s, you would load this on your Spectrum to make actual 'games' (like Transylvanian Tower for instance), look entertaining.

A bit like the TV show of the same name is designed to make real life look less shit in comparison with the wooden misery being so haplessly portrayed on the screen.

Should have been buried right up the programmer's dirty den.

Review by YOR on 27 Jan 2014 (Rating: 1)

Without doubt one of the worst games in Spectrum history. Horrible graphics with poorly executed gameplay makes this unplayable from the start. What was the thinking behind this I wonder? And the cassette inlay reads "Part I The Arcade Game", I'd hate to see what the plans were for the other parts!

Review by WhenIWasCruel on 02 Jan 2017 (Rating: 1)

Eastenders [Macsen]

Eastenders is a famous British tv thing, and I don't know what it is about, but judging from this tie in game, it must be something between a Luis Bunuel movie and a bad LSD trip. Your sprite moves in a room filled with what look like displays, screens and such, each with its own colour, and he can enter into them: inside of them strange single screen mini-games await the poor player, which in one sees a giant table covered with any kind of food, in another he becomes a pair of flying scissors cutting roses, whose thorns begin to sway disquietingly, in another there are a maze and a phone, in the next glasses and bottles, and you just move a hand or glove, a pointless pointer, without, in my case, being able to do anything. It's rather perplexing, really, even more than the Frankie Goes To Hollywood tie in, and that's something.

Review by dm_boozefreek on 17 Mar 2017 (Rating: 1)

The TV show has always been shit!....But!.....

If Bernard Manning had an enema, and then Ben and Jerry turned it into an ice cream flavor, it would taste like this game.
