
Reviews for Elevator Action (#1594)

Review by The Dean of Games on 14 Feb 2012 (Rating: 4)

1987 Quicksilva (UK)
by David Whittaker

Elevator Action is a good platform game, a bit to slow for my taste but still very playable and addictive. The graphics could be a lot better and sound is scarce, although with a great tune.
But the movement going thru the building is rather nicely done without any flicker.
Gaming is straightforward, shoot your way going down the building til you retrieve the secret documents.

Review by Raphie on 18 Jul 2013 (Rating: 4)

Elevator Action is an arcade game I never got into, I played it so many times after discovering it on the Taito Legends compilation on the PS2 (funny me mentioning the PS2 on a Speccy review but there you go) and no matter how many times I tried it I never got into it. But one day bored I decided to cave in and try out the Speccy version...and it's really good! The overall game is the same but much more enjoyable and pleasant, it seems less tedious, probably down to David Whittaker's brilliant tune, so much better than the arcade tune.

So yes Elevator Action on the Spectrum....I really like it, there's a surprise even to me.

Review by dandyboy on 19 Jul 2013 (Rating: 4)

Ctrl-key to shoot the bullets ...

This reminds me of a Spanish comic guy called Anacleto Agente Secreto -go and check if you don´t believe- ...

Elevator Action puts you inside a building infested with spy-agents , go and chase them if you can !!

If being stuck in a building surrounded by spy-agents is your idea of fun , Elevator Action is your game and it won´t disappoint !!!

Review by YOR on 03 Apr 2014 (Rating: 3)

The arcade game itself is one I always found to be mediocre and repetitive, sadly the Speccy version replicates that. The only real thing going for this version is the terrific music.

Review by Rebelstar Without a Cause on 06 Apr 2014 (Rating: 3)

The gameplay is a bit slow and the controls slightly unresponsive. Not bad, but could've been a lot better.

Review by Jordy on 18 Nov 2014 (Rating: 2)

I never liked this game, not on the arcade, not on the PS2, which was the arcade version in a compilation, not on the Game Boy and not its sequel Elevator Action Returns, and it's no surprise I don't like the Spectrum version either. There is one reason however why I would take the Spectrum version over all the others, because the music here kicks ass! I hated the original arcade music but this game has different music and it is so much better. Apart from that this doesn't do it for me, it never has, anywhere, and I guess it never will.

Review by WhenIWasCruel on 19 Nov 2014 (Rating: 4)

I've always enjoyed it.

Review by Stack on 20 Nov 2014 (Rating: 4)

An unpromising name for a game...

Early stealth shooter that can deliver quite a bit of tension though some of it through bad game design as you can't always crouch to avoid a bullet etc if you are, for instance, a pixel too close to the lift shaft.

Still, it is nicely drawn and challenging with satisfyingly dumb - but improving - enemy AI and a randomiser on the layouts of each level so that it is new every game.

Plus points include the ability to shoot out the lights, to kick your assailants when you don't shoot them, and watching the bad guys getting crushed by the lift.