
Reviews for Erik: Phantom of the Opera (#1641)

Review by YOR on 13 Jun 2013 (Rating: 1)

A very tedious and dull game with almost no gameplay. The game released by Crysys which I can presume is said like crisis and that is what this game is.

Review by judasezt on 16 Sep 2014 (Rating: 3)

This game had potential.

It enjoyed a very good marketing campaign, with many adverts in magazines. Pitifully, it was bashed because of its harsh hard level of difficulty.

What we have here is a potentially Castlevania on Speccy.
While its background graphics weren't exactly praised at its time, I find they are reasonably good and atmospherics. Earning points because they are designed for an 8-way smooth scroll, and that kind of things costs lot of RAM from our 48k Spectrum.

It bears similar aspects of RollingThunder, Beyond The Ice Palace, and Robocop. Just that it release date is way before those platform arcades. Also has an small adventure element which makes it more interesting.
Even has some ManicMiner kind of platforms and enemies. Just with glorious 8-way scroll and shoot'em up action.
Also, the game is relatively short, and very hard. Something which, without flaws, is an intelligent balance.

Then.. what failed? why is so hard?
Well, its so hard because of its incredibly uncomfortable jump and duck system. This system makes you feel, as a wooden player.. it makes you jump without wanting to.
It would have worked well that when you fire it automatically stops from walking.. but in this game YOU ARE FORCED TO STOP MOVING for shoot your gun. Very awkward for an action game.

Review by WhenIWasCruel on 08 Jan 2017 (Rating: 2)

It's got a nice presentation and a simple but atmospheric graphics style, but it doesn't work. Explore the theatre and find the keys to finally save your girlfriend, while bouncing skulls hit you and angry little clouds char?ge against you, and, mostly, you can't avoid them, and your revolver is always shooting at the wrong height.