
Reviews for All or Nothing (#167)

Review by The Dean of Games on 17 Jun 2011 (Rating: 3)

1984 Abbex Electronics (UK)
by Paul W. Reynolds

A 3D isometric arcade adventure game with some resemblances to Ant Attack and the Great Escape.

You play the part of a secret agent sent into enemy camp to stell some secret files, scatered and locked
at random around the warehouses.
You must find the office safe containing a gun and the key to one of the warehouses and them continue your search.

Rather good game but with poor graphics and sometimes difficult to control.

Review by Alessandro Grussu on 26 Jan 2012 (Rating: 2)

The idea is nice - find your way along an enemy complex searching for some precious items. However, the way it has been turned into reality leaves a lot to be desidered. Slow, basic and jerky graphics and monotonous gameplay - you never feel like you are really in danger - make All Or Nothing a bad game.

Compare it to the sheer brilliance and thrilling gameplay of Ant Attack, which was released a year earlier, to fully understand how it should have been done.

Review by WhenIWasCruel on 25 Mar 2014 (Rating: 3)

by Paul W. Reynolds

A kind of 3d isometric adventure, but graphically different from early Ultimate's ones, in fact it's coloured, it scrolls, the sprites are minuscule and when you enter certain closed environments, the display change, and it becomes a [still] subjective view of the place, to be searched à la Inheritance. Not only, when you reach spots hidden by walls or fences or whatever, the angle automatically changes to let you see what's happening. Gameplay-wise, it's quite different too - you're some kind of spy parachuted in an enemy's camp. There seems to be a lot of different things to do: find your watch, so that you can see how much time passed [you have only 10 minutes to complete your mission], sowing little mines around, try to open barracks and offices, find various objects, and, overall, running and running from the dogs and the soldiers which are chasing you all over the camp [a bit like in a Stan & Laurel movie]. So it's should be a terrible exciting game. But it isn't.
Anyway, it's all very well done.

Review by dandyboy on 25 Mar 2014 (Rating: 4)

This game is a killer ! ! This is The Great Escape two years before The Great Escape . . . 4 /5 .

Review by Davey Davey on 26 Oct 2014 (Rating: 2)

This game is very highly rated on World of Spectrum, but in all honestly and in my personal opinion, I cannot find a suitable reason for me to join the crowd and agree. Funnily enough, scores on here have been mixed, and after playing this game I can see logic as to why that is.

On first sight, the screenshot on World of Spectrum, it looks like a quality game that someone like me can really enjoy and have a lot of fun with it, but in truth I am really having a hard time finding any enjoyment in this game. Basically you walk around to look for stuff like your watch, entering rooms to find more stuff like a gun which you can use to shoot bad guys and then search them for more items, which is quite fun, but all this is done at a slow rate, thus it probably won't be long before you start feeling bored and don't feel like playing anymore.

It does look like a nice game yes, but it's a game that does not meet well with my tastes and I had difficulty getting into it.

Review by YOR on 09 Nov 2017 (Rating: 2)

Looks great but plays like a bore to me. Never found the charm in this one sadly. I'm sure this was great back in 1984 but it doesn't stand out to be much today.