
Reviews for The Evil Dead (#1682)

Review by YOR on 31 Oct 2022 (Rating: 1)

And finally, because it's the 31st of October, time for some spookiness with The Evil Dead. Now obviously, it's based on the legendary horror film The Evil Dead, and being a film of legend inevitably a game based on it was going to be released, and when I say “released” I mean it was released on the B-Side of Cauldron, yes this game never got a standalone release and within four minutes of playing the damn thing you will see why, It's just a boring adventure type game when you enter various rooms, there are items to collect, enemies to kill, doing these scores points, and that's really all there is to say. Apparently from research, because no instructions exist, if you score enough points the Book of the Evil Dead appears but that never happened with me, mainly because I never cared enough to find out as it all became anti-climatical and hideously tedious very quickly. I went into this thinking this was going to be like Gauntlet, and it kind of is but with all the fun away from it, plus I think this game slightly predates Gauntlet so gee that was worth comparing the two! But it's just nothing more than a bland representation of The Evil Dead. It would not at all surprise me if the initial game had nothing to do with The Evil Dead, then they grabbed a licence, performed minor tweaks to the game, job's a good'un. I mean it's not as bad as Friday the 13th but it is still quite bad, and they knew it was bad so hence they put it on the B-Side of Cauldron instead of releasing it by itself.

Merry Christmas everyone, I mean Happy Halloween! Uggggghhhh...bloody Covid.