
Reviews for Gazza's Super Soccer (#1997)

Review by Raphie on 05 Jan 2013 (Rating: 1)

Dear god! It's yet another abysmal soccer game on the ZX Spectrum, and this one is undoubtably among the worst of the bunch. The gameplay is a complete and total mess, the passing is nonexistant and the goalies are utterly useless, they run off their goal line for no reason allowing the computer for an easy score! Rubbish!

For this to have Gazza's name imprinted to it is one thing, but for this to be branded as "super" is entirely another, because "super" this is so very far from. Another five letter word beginning with S comes to mind but I'll be a good chappie and keep this review..or "review" clean.

For the wholesome price of £9.99 plus a free colour sticker, this game was undoubtably a complete waste of money and a waste of my time playing. Don't bother. I bet Gazza cried lots of tears realising he endorsed his name on such tosh.

Review by The Dean of Games on 10 Mar 2019 (Rating: 1)

1990 Empire Software (UK)
by Brian Rogers, Allen Pendle, Nichols and Kevin Ayre

Wow, Paul Gascoigne allowed his nickname to be associated with this mess?
How courageous.
This is among the worst soccer games I've ever played, the gameplay is a total chaos, just look at the goalies, they look like crazy kamikazes, and passing the ball, does anyone know how to do it?

Review by YOR on 04 Jan 2021 (Rating: 1)

This deserves to be listed as one of the worst Speccy games ever, this is appalling. Everything about this game is bad, there's hardly any control with your players, passing doesn't exist, the goalies are shit, the players are confused, it's just badly programmed and badly designed. I even had a player from the other team miss an open goal. I even had a player on my team lose the ball from a throw-in, literally before he's even thrown the ball it's taken away from him by an opposing player and he's moving around the pitch with his arms up ready for a throw-in but with no ball, and so instead he's prancing around the screen like a ballerina, or like John Inman “I'm freeee”. But good lord what a disastrous game this is and this was a fucking tenner as well. Words fail me. There are bad soccer games and then there's this. Like “Macho Man” Randy Savage this game is the cream of the crop but for all the wrong reasons.