
Reviews for General Election (#2009)

Review by The Dean of Games on 29 Mar 2020 (Rating: 3)

1983 Bug-Byte Software (UK)
by I. Wason & D. Wolff

This is one of the earliest Bug Byte games and, to my knowledge, the oldest politics strategy game. Although I not that certain this is a strategy game. This is more a board like game.
The game is written in basic, it shows and feels, but it's playable and not too slow.
It plays like I said, like a board game, you have dices to roll and a board where you or your opponents (up to four players are allowed) make their move. You cannot play against the computer, which is a big letdown.
Anyway, the game relies a lot on luck, due to the fact that you have to roll a dice, which makes the strategy element secondary or non existent. You still have options, but mainly relie on the place the numbers on the dice dictate.
So, if you like board games, such as Monopoly, this is for you, if you are expecting a strategy game, you should look elsewhere. Anyway, give it a try.