
Reviews for Gotcha (#2106)

Review by Alessandro Grussu on 16 Jun 2011 (Rating: 1)

Abysmal excuse for a game, with horrible graphics, ear-ripping sounds, frustrating gameplay and a few bugs as well, I only cared to play it because Alexander "Alex_Lux" Lukic chose it for the Speccy Tour 2008. The irony of it was that I went first in the individual competition and this helped me win that year's Tour.

Alex has been a knightly opponent, and I reckon him as the most influential Spectrum game player ever. He has shown to be a nice and friendly person as well. That said, I'll never - ever - forgive him for forcing me to play this appalling piece of garbage!

Review by kphair on 15 Sep 2011 (Rating: 2)

Interesting game let down by poor implementation.

The first level of this is a stealth game where you have to make your way to the prison gates avoiding the torch beams of the patrolling guards (this makes it sound more exciting than it is but bear with me). After getting the hang of the sloppy movement and getting past the gates you move on to the second level which involves avoiding the gates flying up and down a grid while you negotiate your way up each row to the top of the screen by getting to each alternate side of the screen (also avoiding another guard and collecting items along the way).

There might be another screen after that but I haven't bothered trying that hard yet because the movement of the main character is clearly designed to confound any efforts at intentional control. I won't give it an "awful" (although it clearly deserves it) because the mechanics of the game are interesting enough to make you try playing it a few times just to get that bit further.