
Reviews for American Football (#2145)

Review by Raphie on 17 Oct 2012 (Rating: 2)

All the thrills and spills, rough and tough, bonecrunching action-packed excitement from America's toughest game.......actually there's none of that here it's just another management game!

Yes you simply guide one of the top NFL teams to Superbowl glory by just buying and selling players and just watching them do all the hard work....and that's're the coach basically.

But here's the main problem......they can't tell the difference between Football and Soccer, like there are more than 11 players on the team for a start, and sadly programmers made this mistake on virtually ALL non-soccer management games....dear dear lads must try harder.

Still not a bad game if you're into this sort of thing but if you'd rather be playing then it's best to avoid this. The best part easily is when you're running to the goal and the defense just can't be bothered to go near him and just let him walk through......hmmm are they taking bribes?