
Reviews for Henry's Hoard (#2292)

Review by WhenIWasCruel on 16 Aug 2015 (Rating: 2)

It's a Manic Miner clone with rooms à la Jet Set Willy [in fact, in the archive it is listed as a MOD of the latter], who looked already rather dated and stale when it was released.
It's not unplayable, just lacking the surreality and addictiveness of its "inspiration".

Review by The Dean of Games on 28 Aug 2015 (Rating: 3)

Made using a Jet Set Willy engine.
So it's basically JSW but modified.
It features some elements from other games such as Chuckie Egg.
It obviously plays similar to JSW and could stand out if it had more variety and a more original plot, which it doesn't.
It's interesting for 1985 and graphically it's fine, but only average.