
Reviews for Holiday in Sumaria (#2339)

Review by WhenIWasCruel on 22 Dec 2016 (Rating: 1)

Holiday In Sumaria [Pirate Software]

Another "do the Ultimate" game, with decent graphics and animation, which slows terribly when other characters appear, totally uninteresting rooms, and hard-to-avoid nasties.

Review by dm_boozefreek on 16 Mar 2017 (Rating: 1)

I remember Holiday in Sumaria, it was one of those games that the cover art made look really awesome. I almost bought it on a few occasions when I was a kid, but always found something slightly more interesting to spend my couple of quid on.

Man am I glad about that, when I finally played it years later, I realised I'd dodged a bullet there. This would've been another classic example of a crap game's rather interesting cover art duping somebody out of their coinage. Although by mid-late 1987 I'd began to grow wise to not just throwing money at a game that looks good on first impressions, even if it was cheap.

It's another typically average isometric 3D affair, which practically chugs to a halt if anything other than you is moving onscreen. The scenery graphics are serviceable, and that's basically all you'll look at as most rooms are so overcrowded with them it makes it borderline impossible to navigate, which also makes solving the simplest of puzzles an absolute chore. The actual moving sprites are well there's no other word for them really.....SHITE!

Sound is a bit arse as well, but not much surprise there, it usually is in iso-3D games.

A below average attempt, which is a chore to play, to the point it's almost physically uncomfortable.

Review by YOR on 19 Nov 2017 (Rating: 1)

This is one of the worst isometric games I've ever played. The main problem is that so many things get in the way of the screen and it's very hard to see where you're going and even harder to see any enemies. No wonder it was crap label Pirate Software who published this turd, because no one else would have.