
Reviews for Elite 3 (#26536)

Review by Sard on 25 Aug 2009 (Rating: 5)

Now this is what I call an update.
We all know the standard Elite game, and this Russian (Eng Lang though) remix is just that. All the features of the original release are here, but what has been added takes this to another level.

Some examples.

Cargo ships now can carry defensive fighters. Ships and escape pods can now hyperspace away. Ships now dock at and leave space stations. Pirates and Police fight each other. Ships will scoop up cargo cannisters. Etc etc..There's many more gameplay tweaks features and extras. Now these things may not sound like much, but most of these things don't appear in ANY other Elite variant (although I do wonder if the writer had a look at ARC Elite at some point) and add massively to the feeling of flying in a "living" universe, which is what Elite is all about.

Throw in on top of that, a few new ships, some new weapons and equipment, lots of new missions, and a dozen other surprises for the average Elite fan, and it's a surefire 5.