
Reviews for Mad Jumper (#2962)

Review by p13z on 30 Sep 2020 (Rating: 2)

Very basic, crude and simple - but great in the context of a type-in game. A little bit of fun and BASIC nostalgia for five minutes.

Review by The Dean of Games on 01 Oct 2020 (Rating: 2)

1984 Sinclair Programs (UK)
by Henning Jon Grini

A lot better than I expected.
The screenshot available doesn't entice a player to load the game, but once you decide to do so, and if you love this type-in games, you could easily be impressive by this little title.

You move your man collecting the amount of fruits required in the beginning of each level, making use of ladders and jumping, there is a the little baddie who tries to catch you, so you must avoid him. From level 3 on, you also have to deal with lasers being shot from the sides. That's how far I've reached. This is how you make a good game using BASIC language.

This games can't be accurately rated when compared to "normal" ones, that is games written in faster languages. As a BASIC game I give it a 4,5 points, otherwise a 2.