
Reviews for Mad Nurse (#2969)

Review by Fandabidozi on 29 Aug 2013 (Rating: 4)

A nice little budget game this. Its easy to pick up and play and I remember even my non gaming friends being charmed by its quirky humour. The gameplay is similar to Marios Cement Factory but with babies that get electrocuted or fall to thier deaths down lift shafts - whats not to love?

Review by dandyboy on 29 Aug 2013 (Rating: 3)

Nice game involving lifters , babies and nurses , weird in its whole .

3 / 5 .

Review by Stack on 01 Sep 2013 (Rating: 3)

This is not a game for Stanislavsky style method gamers. Trying to get into character as Mad Nurse Brenda Bumwasher led me into all sorts of problems in the local maternity ward.
To play this game you must dump babies into cots to stop them jabbing sticky fingers into the open elctric sockets, scoffing poisonous drugs or plumetting down the untended lift shaft.
Yes, its dead baby mayhem amidst frantic 'nursing' fun for all the family.
A game and hospital ward simulator that is locked in the 80s, it is hard to imagine some EA 'In the game' creative think tank coming up with the electrically fried baby premise instead of going with Fifa LXIX or whatever. Even the listless Firbird Silver folk must have had a slight doubletake when they realised what some hopelessly drunk employee had signed off for publication.
Anyhow, its quite a good busywork collect em up arcade game, but which suffers from being too easy and not offering variation or even, given the its reliance for any longevity at all on high scores, a HS table.
A poor game elevated by by the real insanity of giving it commercial status. Playable for one game only, maybe two, the temporary appeal is outweighed by the way that the Spectrum's graphical limitations ensure that the sick subject matter is instead stangely evocative of the innocent humour of Carry On Matron.

Review by Alessandro Grussu on 28 Jun 2014 (Rating: 4)

Weird and politically uncorrect in the extreme, a game where you as a maternity ward nurse must prevent babies from being electrocuted by inserting their little fingers into wall sockets or falling to their doom into the elevator shaft. To tranquillize them you can even use some sort of gas! They just do not make games like this anymore.

Although rather thin on actual gameplay, this budget arcade title scores high on novelty value. Nice graphics too.

Review by WhenIWasCruel on 14 Aug 2017 (Rating: 3)

A silly game about running after babies trying to kill themselves.

Review by YOR on 24 Dec 2020 (Rating: 3)

It's quite good actually but at times unfair when babies, er, die, randomly and you are helpless to save them. Nevertheless I would have happily gotten some entertainment for £1.99 had I bought it.