
Reviews for Meltdown (#3119)

Review by The Dean of Games on 08 Aug 2013 (Rating: 2)

1984 Kerian UK Ltd (UK)
by Matthew Dowell

A sort of Jet Set Willy on jet pack, catch objects type of game. It's not bad, simply a bit boring and outdated even for 1984 standards and a bit on the slow side. But it's a fun game if you like this sort of pastime.

Review by dandyboy on 12 Aug 2013 (Rating: 2)

If only a bit faster this game could have been quite good ... now it is only below average .

The low speed ruins the fun ...

1,5 out of 5 .

Review by WhenIWasCruel on 07 Jan 2014 (Rating: 1)

Any good thing included in this clear mash-up of Atic Atac and Jet Pac is undermined by the awful slowness of it all. You're going to fall asleep before reaching a corner of the room. Maybe they made it so slow to make it last, being the map so small. Anyway, it's not a game about exploring, but about cooling some dangerous radioactive stuff or something, I think [I'm mostly making this up]. Anyway, the supposed slyness manifested with the attempted mixing of the two major hits of the most successful software house of the time didn't do any good. So there.

P.s. I like the tune.