
Reviews for Miami Vice (#3161)

Review by psj3809 on 28 Dec 2008 (Rating: 1)

Another reason why I turned to pirating games as a kid. I bought this pile of tripe back in the day and it was awful. Just awful.

Shoddy graphics, crappy sound effects, looked like something from 1982 on the Speccy. DIRE

Review by WhenIWasCruel on 22 Sep 2016 (Rating: 2)

by Canvas (James Cornelius Bowman, Dawn Drake, Simon Butler)
I was eager to play this game, when I was a kid, because of a sort of review of the Amstrad version that I read somewhere, listing in a detailed way all its fantastic features, including the ability of shooting from the window of the car, while moving, choosing the direction too, or parking near almost any building and enter, and maybe find some big fat drug trafficker and engaging in a shoot out, and arrest him with the drug. Exciting! I tried so hard to appreciate Miami Vice, at the time, struggling to find the game described in that review, only to crash and crash and crash again against other vehicles and building, and whatever. It was, and still is, extremely difficult just to drive around, let alone doing all the rest. And anyway, when I finally managed to enter some building, it was completely void, they were ALWAYS empty, without anyone around, the major presence was that of an EXTREME COLOUR CLASH, which was not the kind of clash I had in mind. The driving around with view from above could have been nice - now I see that the gameplay is almost identical to Give My Regards To Broad Street, that I really played only last year. So, I give it 2/5 because of the game I thought it was more thant for what it is, or it would be a 1,5/5... Let's hope the Amstrad version is really better... Never watched the tv serial. It was something more for grown-up's, it seemed to me. I liked the A-Team.