
Reviews for Monty Python's Flying Circus (#3260)

Review by The Dean of Games on 28 Jul 2012 (Rating: 3)

1990 Virgin Games (UK)
by the CORE Design team

This is in fact quite enjoyable.
I was excepting a little bit more madness and wackiness and... well, I didn't know what to except, only madness and wackiness.
I thought the game was a sort of strategy type game like 'Stifflip & Co' or 'Kwah!' or even an text adventure, and I was very surprised to see a shoot 'em up game played in the person of Mr.Gumby.
The weird Terry Gillian cartoons works quite well, but I would like to see more of a 'Dan Dare' type coloured game, but I guess that's asking for too much.
All in all it's a fun game, very playable, although I found some errors with the collision checking. It only gets tedious because of the monochrome coloring and the games size.

Now, where's Fawlty Towers??!

Review by YOR on 25 Jul 2013 (Rating: 4)

Good humourous fun that all fits well. A fine piece of sillyness.

Review by Raphie on 25 Jul 2013 (Rating: 4)

Yep one of the most influential and iconic comedy groups of all time (and my personal favourite) had their own computer game! And it's just as silly as you would expect really, Spam, Gumby, Cheese, Spam, Sheep, Spam, 16 ton weights, Spam...I've spammed enough really haven't I? Well you get the drift, it's silly and that's how it should be.

Review over now, I'm off to have an arguement.

Review by judasezt on 15 Jun 2014 (Rating: 4)

Surprising good arcade game. It is a very good rendition to Monty Python absurdity... which is even higher in Amiga/ST versions.. which ones counts with cutscenes logically missed on 8 bits.

The thing is that, at those years, Core Design made all versions of their games very good. So the game is equally good on CPC, C64, Atari and Amiga.. and of course on our Spectrum.

The gameplay is a nice mixture between SuperMarioBros and Mr.Heli.. It have many secrets, and moves well, looks rather good, and sounds correctly.

Just if would been some kind of power-ups, bigger extra collectables, and some more technically impressive end of level bosses.. the game would been perfect.

Review by DanielBzD on 07 Dec 2018 (Rating: 2)

Esse jogo tem um bocado de pontos positivos. Algumas partes são tipo shmup, e tem como você se posicionar de maneira esperta pra evitar os tiros, outras partes são de plataforma e tem pequenos quebra-cabeças de manipulação de plataformas pra pegar os itens. A arte combina doses razoáveis de detalhe, cor e movimento, mas sem perder muita clareza. Eu queria gostar mais desse jogo.

Mas a dificuldade sobe muito nas últimas fases, e nas primeiras tem umas partes muito tediosas, onde você fica parado atirando até a avalanche de inimigos parar de vir, ou fica num canto quietinho esperando eles se matarem.

Fosse um jogo um pouco mais leve, eu poderia apreciar melhor os bons detalhes, mas achei exaustivo.

Review by WhenIWasCruel on 11 Jan 2020 (Rating: 3)

Unluckily not exactly as good as the tv show. Far from terrible, but a pretty undeserved YS Megagame. Shoot and collect game with some Monty Python/Terry Gilliam weirdness thrown in.