
Reviews for Invader Cube (#3574)

Review by YOR on 28 May 2022 (Rating: 2)

Well this has to be one of the weirdest entries I've ever come across, for the game is listed as Invader Cube yet the game loads and runs and plays as 3D-OXO. Now I thought it was the fault of World of Spectrum, because you know like that's never happened before right? Tsk what a surprise I thought. However, it was advertised as Invader Cube and it was even released in a compilation called Mind Games as Invader Cube, yet even the screenshot for it shows 3D-OXO. What in the blithering shit?! I mean I can see why it's called Invader Cube, because the little counters are Space Invaders, and with that now I can see why they stuck with 3D-OXO. Anyway it's 3D Noughts and Crosses and I frankly never got on with the 3D version, less is more and I cannot stress that about noughts and crosses enough, yes there's more chance of a tie but it's simple and effective, unlike this where the gameplay is just as confusing as its bloody name. For my noughts and crosses fix, I'll just stick to the classic version thank you very much, like I just stick to the ordinary crosswords without doing the cryptic bollocks. I've said it before and I'll say it again, less is more.