
Reviews for Paranoid Pete (#3616)

Review by YOR on 22 Jan 2014 (Rating: 1)

This was originally planned for Weetabix who weren't happy with it, it doesn't take long to figure out why they weren't. Apparantly something falls from the sky and you've to dig a hole for it while bashing at something chasing you. Well I've never been able to hit it more than once before it kills me, nor have I been successful at digging a hole as I always seem to dig the wrong spot and it never allows me to dig at the right spot. It's so unplayable and is basically a shambles, and that is why Weetabix turned it down.

Review by p13z on 22 Jan 2014 (Rating: 1)

Slightly worse than I was expecting for a game where you play a piece of Weetabix farming wheat on another planet.
Use your spade to fend off some kind of lazily drawn things, while planting seeds that fall from a spaceship which, confusingly, is named 'harvester'. It could be the premise for a simple little game, but this is just bad all round. It also seems to be bugged/glitchy. Sometimes you can't dig or fill a hole in for no apparent reason. There is allegedly another section to the game, but it appears to be too bugged and painful to play to ever find out.
I may be wrong here, but there seems to be a quite obscene message implied to potential pirates on the loading screen. Given that the game seems to be aimed at young players, and is far below the quality required to draw the attention of any self respecting hacker, it just seems a bit 'off'.
£5.95? Unforgivable.

Review by Stack on 22 Jan 2014 (Rating: 1)

This might have been a cute grow-em-up in the Pssst! style if only the people who tried to sell it, full page advertising and all, had been able to write a Spectrum game. Unfortunately it is unplayable.
That they tried to sell it after Weetabix rejected, but without changing the main character from a Weetabix amused me. (WoS archive news)

Review by dandyboy on 09 Feb 2014 (Rating: 2)

Cartoonish bullshit !

1,5 / 5 .

Review by The Dean of Games on 10 Feb 2014 (Rating: 1)

This could have been so much more if only a bit of reasoning was applied to it. Why make a game so repetitive and boring? There are a few nice ideas lying around, but they don't seem to merge together. Remember the plant blossoming in Ultimate's Pssst? You'll see another here. The problem is, if you place yourself in a certain position (the only one I've found to move on to the next level) you will be in front of the plant (color clashing and all) and you can hardly see the plant growing. Not to mention that this move is always the same, so you end up repeating yourself all over level one.

Level 2... couldn't figure out anything. It looking nice, though, I guess. I only played it once, so in the future I may change my review.

Unfortunately this game makes me not to want to touch a single piece of cereal again. So the guys at Weetabix did well in not wanting this game associated with their cereal brand. It's not all that bad, though, the graphics are kind of cute, I guess.