
Reviews for Perils of Bear George (#3663)

Review by Digital Prawn on 29 Apr 2011 (Rating: 3)

Bit of a peculiar game where you must guide the eponymous Bear George around an orchard, eating as many falling apples as possible, whilst avoiding nuts deliberately thrown at his head by squirrels.

The next stage sees George negotiating a piste in order to enter his mountainside cave. In this game, if a skier hits George, then he seems to come away in a better condition than the bear. I suspect in real life that the skier may not be quite so lucky.

Once in the cave, George must finally negotiate some lethal spiders before hibernating for the winter. If George doesn't have enough fat left at this point, then he won't make it through the hibernation period, dying of starvation.

It's got to be the only game I've ever played featuring a simulation of hibernation!

The game is not great to be honest and the movement of the bear is slow and clunky (particularly on the piste where you can't move vertically without moving horizontally at the same time), but I still give it three as its uniqueness is probably just enough to elevate it above "poor".

Review by The Dean of Games on 06 Sep 2012 (Rating: 3)

1984 Cheetah soft (UK)
by Kevin Williams

A cheerful colourful game, maybe aimed to young kids due to its looks.
The action is a bit of a mixture because some levels are not well executed and can confuse some younger kids. Specialy level 2 when you try to approach the cave entrance and have to perform some strange key movements.
It reminds me a bit the Horace games probably because of the skying and the spiders, but also because of the level structure.
Overall its an enjoyable well presented game. And the spiders level difficulty helps to maintain interest until you get thru.

Review by dandyboy on 06 Sep 2012 (Rating: 3)

This game is too simple for an adult to enjoy it ... I believe this is aimed to kids , mainly .

The tunes are cute , though , and the presentation is quite colorful ,,, these things make the game appealing at first glance .

But , as I said before , the game-play is far too simple and you get bored after a while .

For kids only . :(

Review by WhenIWasCruel on 10 Jan 2014 (Rating: 2)

You are a bear. You must open your mouth while under the trees and try to directly swallow the apples falling from the trees. Once your belly is full enough, you search for you lair, in a snowy mountain [well, it's there, they are one screen sections] - you must enter it avoiding purple skiers. Now you're in the cave. And you must pay attention to the spiders, if you want to go to ber for the whole winter. To start it all over again in spring. No mating for this bear.
Nice graphics, moderately entertaining, easy, I'm not able to give it more than 2/5.