
Reviews for Phantomas 2 (#3688)

Review by JSA on 22 Jul 2015 (Rating: 5)

Phantomas 2 has got cute graphics, responsive controls, a well-thought map and a difficulty level just spot on.

However, there's hardly anything in this game you haven't seen somewhere else.

Yet,this game is more than the sum of its parts. It's the near perfect blend of all the things you'd expect to find in a platformer what makes it special.

Review by Juan F. Ramirez on 30 Mar 2016 (Rating: 5)

The sequel to Phantomas, released as 'Vampyre' in the UK, takes place in the year 2987 in the castle of a futuristic Dracula, a superb map of 95 colourful and well-detailed screens, a terrific plattform in the way of Abu Simbel Profanation, but this time less linear and much more an adventure. Your mission is to kill Dracula by opening 6 windows and finding 5 keys, collecting a hammer, a stake and a cross to reach the final fight with your evil enemy.

A really-hard-but-good game. Graphics, tune and sounds make it quite atmospheric. Definitely one of the best Dinamic's works.

Review by WhenIWasCruel on 18 Oct 2016 (Rating: 3)

by Emilio Pablo Salgueiro Torrado, Santiago Morga B., Snatcho

Typical AbuSimbelProfanation-like hard Spanish platformer, rather mistreated by the English magazines, fed up with old style platform games, but which it's pretty decent, and it costed little too.