
Reviews for Plasma Ball (#3757)

Review by Raphie on 15 Apr 2010 (Rating: 2)

I honestly never felt any sort of appeal from this game at all. The controls are very sensitive even on low response speed. The gameplay gets old quickly and the appeal doesn't last too long at all. I'd avoid this.

Review by YOR on 25 Feb 2020 (Rating: 1)

This is now pretty much gonna be a case of squeezing in some reviews before the site's servers go belly-up again. The servers seem even more unreliable than they were the last time I was active. I found this to be completely unplayable because the ball you control has a mind of its own. You have two settings with ball respond, low or high and none of these make a difference as it darts around all over the place on both settings. It makes shooting anyone far more harder than it needs to be. Atlantis released some good games over the years, albiet they were mostly with the Shaw Brothers, if it wasn't be the Shaws it's most likely going to be crap, and this is a prime example of that.

Review by The Dean of Games on 01 Mar 2020 (Rating: 2)

1989 Atlantis Software (UK)
by Gavin Wade and Chris Edwards

I agree with both previous reviews.
The game looks good, it's isometric and if it played slightly better it could be something fun, but instead is just nerve wrecking and not in a playable way.