
Reviews for Pole Position (#3807)

Review by dandyboy on 10 Nov 2012 (Rating: 2)

This could have been great but, in fact, it is only average . Let´s see why ...

1st) the vehicle accelerates itself without the player´s input .

2nd) if you crash into another car you will explode .

3rd) the game is always the same routine so after a while it becomes tedious .

Signed, dandyboy .

Review by WhenIWasCruel on 04 Jan 2014 (Rating: 3)

This was an official conversion by Atarisoft the of the famous coin-op, and it wasn't bad at all for the time. Now, of course, lots of better racing game can be found on the Spectrum - but rarely with such a nice presentation - look at that beautiful colours. The game is playable, relatively fast and relatively faithful to the original, albeit quite easier. The biggest defect is that your position in relation to the other cars is not clear, when you're near them - and so it's not much understandable if you're going to crash against them or if you are going to avoid them. It is rather aged, but not horrible at all.

Review by The Dean of Games on 26 Jun 2014 (Rating: 4)

1984 Atarisoft (UK)
by Graeme Devine

This is a game hard to forget, not that I try to, it simple makes part of my childhood.

It was one of the first games I played in the arcades, an awesome one, and one of my first games on the Spectrum. The day I got this game I couldn't sleep all night thinking of it. Wasn't it great to be a kid?

It's true it doesn't hold up as well as I'd liked. The car moves in a weird way when making a turn, and passing over other cars becomes boring after awhile, not to mention, the lack of levels and a variety of different tracks and backgrounds. But it still looks great. Big colourful cars, pretty landscape, pub signs, and a nice explosion sequence.

It's still a classic in my book.

By the way, I remember owning a copy of the sequel to this game, simply called Pole Position II, certainly unofficial, which was basically the same game, but with a few enhancements.

Review by Juan F. Ramirez on 20 Apr 2021 (Rating: 3)

Very acceptable conversion of the great classic Atari arcade, considering the limitations of 48k Spectrum.

The position of the car in the screen is sometimes confusing, it turns in a weird way. Anyway, nice intro tune and sequence.