
Reviews for Baron (#423)

Review by The Dean of Games on 29 Jan 2020 (Rating: 1)

1983 Temptation Software (UK)
by Simon Mansfield

This is a very simple strategy game where you play a feudal baron and manage your lands and all that's is in it (this goes for workers, mercenaries, arms and bushells, nothing more.)
You can play up to 4 players, but the game is very repetitive and boring. Feels incomplete.

Review by YOR on 19 Feb 2020 (Rating: 2)

A game set in the 1089, well that's a bit different. As The Dean mentions up to four players can play and hence the objective is to “obtain the highest score by fair means or foul”, which is funny given By Fair Means or Foul was an entirely different game released years later and it was crap. I played a two player game with five turns (it can be played between 5 to 20 turns, like I can be bothered). You feed workers, plant bushels and hire mercenaries, except I had to press yes multiple frickin times for it to register I wanted to hire any. At the end of turn one, 85 workers from Baron 1 starved to death and 93 workers starved to death from Baron 2, well that's just jolly ain't it? Anyway you basically repeat the same process in every single turn, every, single, turn. I did get to attack the other baron but nothing really of interest happened exceptt nobody died and I gained 19 acres of land, whoop whoop I guess. I hoped this would have played like Dicatator but it's not even close. And in the end three turns was enough before I waved the white flag and called a truce, in other words I pressed reset. Not a totally disastrous game, just boring, repetitive and not very fun.