
Reviews for Sbugetti Junction (#4356)

Review by The Dean of Games on 21 Aug 2012 (Rating: 2)

1986 Bug Byte (UK)
by Calac, Zec and Muraja

I was seriously hoping this game had more than what initially promises. It doesnt. Basicaly you control an italian traffic cop trainee called Louigi Pepperoni (cute!). He has come over from Macaroni (thats what the instructions inlay writer calls Italy, cute again!) to learn the British way of traffic control. Nice! Maybe he wanted to upgrade professionaly or maybe he just got fed up with his wife Fettucinee (name from the inlay card again) and flew all the way over from Macaroni to your majesty's land.
OK, so you control this poor discriminated italian cop with a funny name.
Now about the game, we all have seen at least once, a traffic cop on the roads, and if im not mistaken a lot of kids back in the 80's loved the idea of becaming one. Well if they played 'Sbugetti Junction' they surely changed their minds. Because if the real streets are as dull as the game, I personaly rather be a fashion designer.
If only 'Sbugetti' had more junctions with different layouts and difficulties, maybe it would be a little more addictive. But it doesnt, so the different hand signals (where the whole challenge lies) once you reasonably mastered them, aren't enough to keep you awake.

Review by YOR on 04 Mar 2014 (Rating: 2)

I will commend Sbugetti Junction for its original gameplay of controlling a traffic cop trying to maintain traffic on a busy junction. It's just a darn shame it doesn't seem to have been implemented properly. The entire game basically has you frantically waving your arms around in different positions to pass cars through and there appears to be no end to it, making the game redundant at a very early stage. Such a shame as I was looking forward to playing this.

Review by WhenIWasCruel on 19 Oct 2016 (Rating: 3)

by Damir Muraja, Robert Zeljko, Branko Calovic

Absolutely the best in its genre. It fears no competition.