
Reviews for The Secret of Levitation (#4390)

Review by WhenIWasCruel on 30 Jun 2016 (Rating: 3)

"I'm learning to fly / but I ain't got no wings" as Tom Petty used to sing. How do you solve this problem? Mystically, training your mind, spirit and body to levitate without any anatomic upgrade on your back. How do you obtain a game from this concept? Easy. You put together 10 mini-games based on very simple gameplay mechanisms - observation, and quick reaction - and you're done. It's like Gremlin/Dinamic's West Bank, but without shooting: in fact, in various of these mini-games you just have to press a key, for example from 1 to 5, corresponding to the right answer, which it's not very different to "the baddie is in the first door, so I press 1". Overall, there's more variety in this one than in West Bank, because you can choose between 10 small games in the order of your choice, but it's not as much addictive. The score sequence, where after each event the game shows you how much you can levitate after your performance, is not bad. The whole program is not bad, and it's even peculiar, but it's just not that engaging.