
Reviews for Son of Blagger (#4645)

Review by WhenIWasCruel on 25 Mar 2014 (Rating: 2)

by Elliot Gay

It's Jet Set Willy with a bit of scrolling [that kind of (flickering) scrolling where everything stops while a new portion of the enviroment "comes forward"], and lots of swings and keys.
Swings are ok, especially the zigzagging multiple ones, and I don't mind dozens of keys littered around.
But it's all rather clumsy and slow and frustrating, especially when you have to restart again from the starting spot, and not where you died.
Could have been nice, but it's clearly why it was titled Son Of A Blagger: it wasn't really worth the money [5.95 £].

Review by Jordy on 04 Nov 2014 (Rating: 1)

This is totally uneventful and atrocious! You can't far in this game without touching anything that leads to death. The game over sequence felt longer than the actual game!

Review by The Dean of Games on 04 Dec 2018 (Rating: 3)

1984 Alligata Software (UK)
by Elliot Gay

Not the best Jet Set Willy clone, but still a worth mentioning Alligata effort of milking a few sales. This was 1984, a year where you were already expecting games to look a little more sophisticated, so Son of Blagger which already looked old and clumsy didn't win any awards there. There's a few improved touches like the scrolling between screens or some of the obstacles, like elevators or moving bridges, nothing special but worth noticing. Its a challenging game even more so than JSW, which makes it interesting.