
Reviews for Storm (#4918)

Review by Zagrebo on 07 Oct 2010 (Rating: 1)

Inferior 'Gauntlet'-type game with flick-screen gameplay, ugly graphics and pretentious scrolling room descriptions. For some batshit reason the player controls a wizard in one-player mode (and you will be playing in one-player mode because none of your mates are likely to be itching to join-in) rather than the Storm of the title.

The cover art is amusing, though. Storm's expression is more camp indignation than barbarian fury.

Review by dm_boozefreek on 13 Feb 2016 (Rating: 1)

Storm the warrior prince who is so mighty he sends his wizard friend in to do his dirty work instead of going himself the lazy git...

OK so let's just get right to it! Storm is a really, really, really, pathetic flick screen Gauntlet wannabe. Sad thing is you'd think that a game like this would be hard to make a complete arse of, but no Storm was authored by a team of 5....Count that! 5 programmers, 3 of whom actually worked on some really good games. This perhaps fortunately is the remaining 2 programmers only outing. At the risk of sounding incredibly mean, maybe that's a good thing afterall?

OK so let me actually tell you all why the game is so horrible. Well even to start off with the story is terrible. Seeing Storm and Agravian Undead (The wizard) going into the hilariously named Una Cum's interdimensional dungeon laboratory to rescue Storm's wife Correine. The story is totally pointless unless you play 2 player, as the second player actually controls Storm. In 1 player mode it is decided that since Agravian knows magic better or some bumph like that, that he should be the one to go and rescue Corriene. So the game might as well have been called bollocks.

On with the problems then the controls are absolutely piss poor, whoever thought that it was a good idea to make a Gauntlet clone with character based movement, rotational instead of directional controls, and atrocious non-redefinable keys? X, and C to rotate left and right, Z to move forward, and A to fire. I don't know about you but I find that an extremely uncomfortable and useless set up. Making it almost a necessity to stop moving in order to fire. Player 2 is also stuck using keyboard, so in order for 2 people to play you practically have to sit on top of each other, keyboard Twister anybody? At least player 2's keys aren't as shit as player 1's, but they're still pretty gash.

The graphics are ugly, and seem to look like they've been elongated horizontally, the dimensions of everything just looks wrong. Pointless scrolling messages go across the top of the screen adding little or nothing at all to the experience. The enemies could be anything at all, they're just random shapes, or small collections of coloured blobs that vaguely with some imagination may represent humanoid enemies?

Sound is minimal and extremely annoying, just one sound effect over and over again as you kill things, best to play in silence really...

...and finally as already mentioned it's flick screen, so you do this game 1 room at a time, and the pace is slow so it can take a few minutes to clear a room. But wait, if you leave and re-enter a room all the enemies, and the enemy generators have respawned....oh fun!

This is another one of those games I really wanted when I was younger, but then was really disappointed when I eventually did play it. £1.99 was still a bit much to ask for this. This game should've been rotting in the bottom of a bargain bin for 25p 2 days after it's release.

Insane thing is the game is subtitled PART 1: Una Cum's Lair. Thank fuck part 2 never materialized.

Although if you do actually look at the inlay artwork, from the rather confused look on Storms face, maybe it's just as well Agravian went after Una Cum instead of him afterall...

Bloody terrible!