
Reviews for Two-Gun Turtle (#5490)

Review by Raphie on 10 Feb 2012 (Rating: 3)

This was introduced to me by a chap on YouTube who uploaded a video for this a bit ago and I tried it out for myself. My it's a right challenge, the turtle moves so fast it's hard to get a good shot at the enemies before they steal your....well whatever they are meant to be....apples, cherries, I don't know. Not a bad game but frustrating.

Review by Alessandro Grussu on 12 Feb 2012 (Rating: 2)

A simple 16K game which looks like a lame attempt at copying the Ultimate classics like Jet Pac, Cookie and Pssst. TGT has however neither the polish not the finesse in graphics, sound or gameplay of the aforementioned titles and ultimately (no pun intended) reveals itself for what it is - a half-baked copy of a winning formula.

Review by The Dean of Games on 13 Dec 2013 (Rating: 3)

1984 MC Lothlorien (UK)
by Steve Hughes

A charming title for a less charming game, due to the fast pace. The game engine resembles the earlier Ultimate titles, which may be a good thing to some Ultimate fans, but may look too plagiarized for others.
Despite all that, and if you are able to control your turtle accurately (good luck), you may for sure get a kick out of it.
I did.

Review by dandyboy on 13 Dec 2013 (Rating: 2)

A sort of highly-playable Jet Pac mini-clone with a nice introductory tune but with not enough variety on it to keep us entertained for long ... ! ! !

Review by Jordy on 03 Nov 2014 (Rating: 2)

This could have been a nice, fun game to be but it's not because it's far too difficult and because of that you die too often and the games are often too short. It was funny finding it but the game itself is hardly funny.