
Reviews for Vegetable Crash (#5551)

Review by Digital Prawn on 18 Jan 2010 (Rating: 3)

Interesting twist on Galaxians where the invaders are actually vegetables. I'm sure it is scientifically sound too. I mean who's to say there aren't intelligent vegetable-based lifeforms somewhere in the galaxy? Tomatoes, carrots and something else (radishes, potatoes, turnips or aubergines? - the jury's still out!) swoop down from space with great ferocity. It's OK though, the boffins on Earth are obviously prepared as we have the ultimate anti-vegetable weaponry - a set of three gun turrets which can fire gold-plated dinner forks.

The game's a bit of fun for a few minutes. No long term replayability, and apart from the vegetable theme, it's really just a standard Galaxians affair. Not the fastest or most difficult and ultimately quite repetitive.

Excellent sprite animations though as the vegetables have faces and can spin around as they fire a volley of seeds. The scrolling starfield background consists of multicoloured stars which is a nice touch compared to the more usual monochrome starfield. Sound is adequate. Game is 100% machine code. The scores are in a typeface similar to the "Data 70" style, nice retro touch.

How should it be played? Under SPUD of course!!

Review by Raphie on 18 Jul 2013 (Rating: 3)

Like Eric and the Floaters, or essentially Bomberman…poor Eric…this too is by Hudson Soft…and it’s Galaxians mixed with vegetables! I’m telling you Jamie Oliver is going to go berserk if he sees this!

There's not a lot that can be said about this expect it's Galaxians mixed with vegetables, plays alright, looks alright, there's better clones there's worse clones...yeah it's not too bad really. Pity there wasn't a sequel with fresh fruit though.

Review by dandyboy on 19 Jul 2013 (Rating: 3)

I guess this is where Smashing Pumkings got its name from ...

Review by The Dean of Games on 13 Dec 2013 (Rating: 3)

Galaxians got tired of eating meat and become Vegan.

Review by WhenIWasCruel on 04 Jan 2014 (Rating: 3)

One of the most peculiar clone of Galaxian [or even Space Invaders or Phoenix]: there are no aliens, but you must shoot tomatoes, and such.
A shoot'em up for vegetarians? A revenge of the author, tormented by his mother during his childhood: "finish your vegetables, now" "ok mom, shoot shoot bang bang" - all this will remain a mystery. Anyway, it's playable and looks good - aside the movement of the space vegetables: they move from an entire block of pixel to an entire block of pixel, making you wonder if you're having neurological problems, after a while. Sufficiency.

Review by Stack on 06 Jan 2014 (Rating: 3)

Quite tasty.

Review by YOR on 29 Nov 2018 (Rating: 3)

Galaxian with vegetables! And from Hudson Soft too! So what do we have? Carrots at the top, is that turnip in the middle, and tomato at the bottom, even though they look more like pumpkins. It is a bit jerky in movement but then it's 1984 so what did you expect, but it plays pretty well and it's responsive. However, the one significant gripe I have with this game is when you die the enemies keep moving and can actually kill you again instantaneously if you're not careful, like I wasn't and I lost a second life in very quick succession as a result, that's not how Galaxian works. It is a pretty nice game with a novelty theme and it looks really nice too, but that one issue spoils the fun for me. Of not for that this would easily get a 4, but instead I have to join the crowd and score it a 3.