
Reviews for The Inferno (#6477)

Review by Matt_B on 05 Mar 2009 (Rating: 3)

Cooke's third adventure for Richard Shepherd Software takes its inspiration from Dante's Divine Comedy. You have to pass through the nine circles of hell, guided occasionally by the poet Virgil, past an encounter with the Devil himself to gain your freedom.

It's an enjoyable game to play and the adventure system has been spruced up from the previous two games into something a little more sophisticated. It's also a fair bit faster to play, although the graphics are still rather drab.

The game follows the plot of the epic poem fairly closely, and if you're familiar with it you'll have more than a few hints. However, if you haven't, it does little to create its own atmosphere. Consequently this may come as something of a disappointment to those hoping for another Urban Upstart.

Review by WhenIWasCruel on 02 Jan 2014 (Rating: 3)

okaysh adventure game, fast enough for the time, based on the last third of a very very long italian poem by dante alighieri, written in the 13th century [or 15th century according to sinclair user] so, if you will, it's a fantasy text adventure with a literary and religious inspiration, in which you have to walk through hell and back. not much text, to say the truth. overall, above average for those years.