
Reviews for The Width of the World (#7184)

Review by WhenIWasCruel on 23 Jan 2014 (Rating: 1)

Text adventure written in basic, and it shows, although the response is fast enough, the graphics are sketchy and usually bad, a few black lines on the white background, and terribly slow to draw. Luckily, the pictures appear just once, the first time you enter a location, and they're present in only a few of them [of course you can make the pictures appear again - or at least I think].
Width of the World was sold along with a same named sci fi book, and the game begins where the latter ends. Strange stories about the world dilating - whatever that means - and millions disappearing, and among them your wife Sarah, which you must find and bring her back again in the i-don't-know, normal world or something. So, you have a Volvo, you can climb in it, open the sun roof, turn on the stereo, turn the ignition keys, but it doesn't matter: there's no fuel. So you walk around, and anytime you find something that might be interesting... YOU DIE. [mind you, I've never been a good adventurer, in spite of my desperate attempts]
I was interested in the game, but it didn't take me very much to drop my interest. 1/5