
Reviews for Butch - Hard Guy (#771)

Review by WhenIWasCruel on 12 Jan 2017 (Rating: 2)

Single screen platformer starring a sort of demented but disarmed cartoonish Rambo wannabe, who must free caged bearded guys guarded by frenzied robots running everywhere - getting out of the screen in the lower part and re-entering from the higher - which you can keep at bay using your muscles. That said, when you jump your sprite performs a somersault that makes it harder to understand where you'll land and if a robot will be there or not - which is a bit annoying, although probably the game would have been too easy using ordinary vertical jumps. Nothing special, especially if you're not into saving bearded men.

Review by dm_boozefreek on 29 Dec 2017 (Rating: 2)

Butch Hard Guy? He's not actually that hard....

I'd like to say something nice about this shambolic turd of a game, but I find it quite difficult.

The graphics are average, the collision detection is laughable, Butch's jump is useless, he falls anti-gravity style from the platforms, and usually into the path of the robot enemies. His punches, and kicks are flimsy and crap.

But the sad thing is for all it's total shite, there is a bizarre urge in there to prove the game is shite, it is total and utter crap, yet you may find yourself having another go. Just remember not to pick Veeeeeegan Mind Control as your control type.....A pretty unfunny joke even at the time, although to be fair, it's kind of your own fault if you did pick it.

Anyway it's laughable this game cost £7.95 at the time when £2.99 would have seemed steep for what you got. 20 Screens of broken bullshit...

There is a game hidden under the flaws, that may even be slightly fun, but the asking price at the time is what makes me mark it a 2 instead of a 3, this is a budget game, and nothing more, how dare they charge £7.95.

By 1987 standards that's like paying £30 now.

Thinking back would you be happy if you'd paid that much money for this shit?

Review by The Dean of Games on 08 Apr 2019 (Rating: 3)

1987 Advance Software (UK)
by Dave Thompson, Sean Lally and Dennis Mulliner

This little game can be very addictive and can be very frustrating! The gameplay is straightforward, free the prisoners and a level will be completed. The main problem is that the game isn't all that well written, it's hard to kill enemies, using the same kick sometimes you're able sometimes you're not, the same applies to the breaking open the cells where the prisoners are captive, there is a specific spot (a pixel size spot) were you have to be in order to work, and because the action is fast this doesn't always work. Also you get killed just for jumping over your enemies? Why? Do they have psychokinetic abilities that blow you up in the air? At £7.95 this was extremely expensive and not that worth. A shame because if this details were fixed, a simple but great arcade game would emerge.

Review by YOR on 30 May 2022 (Rating: 1)

Another one that I could have sworn I'd already done, for I remember this game very well and I remember it for being very bad, I never bought it but a dear friend of mine, who I'd known from school and deceased many years bless him, had this game and hated it, and because of that I never played it until emulation and by then he was no longer with us to remind me of his hatred for this game. But he was right you know, this game was bad. But when brought to my attention now I had somewhat renewed hope for this game, and they were quickly dashed within the first second of gameplay. The crap jumping, the crap fighting, the constant deaths, everything in this game is horrendous. This turned out to be far worse than I remembered it to be and for that it deserves the score it gets.

Miss you Steve, you were bloody right.