
Reviews for Captain Kelly (#812)

Review by nwosteve on 26 Jan 2012 (Rating: 1)

Utter garbage. Granted, nice big colourful graphics that look nice, but there is no gameplay here. Killing a baddie is so hard that you end up half dead as well with no chance of recovery. There just seems no point to this game. There is a plot there somewhere (well, according to the inlay card) but what it is in reality is anyones guess. Very poor.

Review by Alessandro Grussu on 26 Jan 2012 (Rating: 3)

As the eponymous Captain you must rid a huge space vessel of some alien robots which have run all over it. You must perform this by shooting them, but they can take a lot of punishment - and I really mean a lot! - and are able to shoot back as well. You must also be careful about your ammunition and oxygen, which you can replenish by docking at some stations; this implies entering a simple sub-game.

In 1986 this was moderately entertaining to me, and so is it even now. A passable Gauntlet-Paradroid type game, but nothing to lose your sleep on.

Review by WhenIWasCruel on 24 Sep 2016 (Rating: 3)

by Icon Design

Simple top-view maze/shoot'em up in which you have to sweep away all the robots occupying the various levels of a spaceship. It's ok, but not so much ok, characterized by slow movements and narrow spaces that will likely you have trapped and shot by unavoidable bullets.
It's pretty hard. It was a full price game, but commercially it only made sense as a budget release.

Review by YOR on 18 Nov 2017 (Rating: 1)

This is just a bog-standard game where you wander around a maze shooting enemies and using up most of your ammo to kill just one of them. After that it's a survival mission that you'll seemingly never win. What's the point then?