
Reviews for Chopper Rescue (#948)

Review by kphair on 14 Sep 2011 (Rating: 2)

Rescue the lost men by shooting away the ground surrounding them so you can go in and pick them up.

In theory this should be a great little game and has a lot of promise but the control is just a little bit too clumsy to ignore. The premise of the game is sound enough - The bottom third of the screen is the ground and you have to manoeuvre your helicopter to shoot down or across to clear the ground out of way, fly in and pick up the stranded person.

What makes it difficult is a plane which is constantly flying overhead dropping more earth down, filling up the holes and possibly hitting you or blocking you in as well.

The controls are the typical chopper-game ones. You can fly up, down, left and right and moving in the opposite direction transitions through a facing-out direction which lets you shoot vertically down instead of horizontally.

The problem with this game is that you have to be really delicate with the controls which makes movement slower and more awkward than it should really be and makes you more prone to being hit from above.

It could have been a lot better with a bit of playtesting to catch the dodgy control issue.