
Reviews for Classic Muncher (#982)

Review by Raphie on 20 Jan 2010 (Rating: 4)

Classic Muncher is just one of many Pac-Man clone that made its way onto the ZX Spectrum over the years, but its certainly one of the better ones. The graphics are nice and colourful and the game plays very fast with responsive controls. The main problem is that Pac-Man's sprite is so big, it has a problem going in between paths. Still very enjoyable nonetheless.

Review by Alessandro Grussu on 07 Jan 2012 (Rating: 3)

Yes it's a Pac-Man clone, so you most probably already know everything about it - unless you were born yesterday of course! Big, colorful graphics and different maze layouts make this stand out however. A tried and tested formula which never seems to get old.

Review by YOR on 07 Jan 2018 (Rating: 4)

A year before Classic Axiens there was Classic Muncher, a Pac-Man clone also by Bubble Bus, and this is much more like it. The one problem though is Pac-Man is too big and moving him was a challenge sometimes, but there are a lot of dodgy Pac-Man clones out there so I'll gladly take a good one when it comes to me. This is perfectly acceptable and very worthy.