
Reviews by apenao (29)

Knight Lore, 24 Aug 2009 (Rating: 5)

There are better games than Knight Lore. There are even better speccy games. But this game is, imho, on of the hugest steps forward in the computer game's history.

And the animation from Sabreman to the wolf is yet to be beaten by any game.

Probably the speccy game that deserves the most the adjective "classic".

Jetpac, 24 Aug 2009 (Rating: 4)

Good, nice-looking and adictive. A game that has grown up very well.

Skool Daze, 24 Aug 2009 (Rating: 5)

The game that pulled me to the spectrum from the hand held machines. The first "video adventure" I played and one of the games I have better memories.

Match Point, 24 Aug 2009 (Rating: 5)

The first tennis game I played and yet the best one. Newer games surely have better graphics, but they fall in term of adiction and/or simulation.

I've played a lot of tennis game in a lot of platforms and this one is still the best.

Saboteur!, 24 Aug 2009 (Rating: 5)

Incredibly atmospheric. One of those games that really put you into the action. A lot of difficulty levels to choose so everybody can have a chance and finish it.

Probably not one of the best speccy games technically wise, but if you played this game back then you know what I'm telling.

Ghostbusters, 25 Aug 2009 (Rating: 3)

Despite the poor graphics, I found this game quite amusing back in the day and got me playing it for some time. Not bad.

Milk Race, 25 Aug 2009 (Rating: 3)

I really wanted to love this game when I saw a photo in an U.K. magazine. I had to wait some time until it was released in Spain. Unfortunately, I expected some kind of cycling simulator and it's a horizontal scrolling arcade where you have to avoid other cycles and get the milk bottles.

I was dissapointed then, but now I find it is a good game. It just its genre I don't like very much.

Elite, 25 Aug 2009 (Rating: 5)

Probably the game I spent more time with in my spectrum days. I loved the trading system, but the simulation part was even better. One of the better (if not the best) spectrum games for me.

Panama Joe, 25 Aug 2009 (Rating: 4)

I'm not really into platform games, but this is one of the exception. It was the first for me and I still come back to it nowadays. Simple graphics and gameplay, but effective.

Chuckie Egg, 25 Aug 2009 (Rating: 4)

**I lack the nostalgia feeling on this game because I haven't played it until the emulators era. I have played it again now just to see if I am missing something, but it's just another platform for me.**

I wrote this a while ago and gave this game 3 points. I have been playing this one again recently and I have really enjoyed the experience. It's very funny to play and somehow it got me stuck to my keyboard. Like Panama Joe, it has very simple graphics but very good gameplay.

Manic Miner, 25 Aug 2009 (Rating: 5)

The original platform game (at least it was for me) and probably most recognizable icone of the zx spectrum.
A classic.

Scuba Dive, 25 Aug 2009 (Rating: 4)

Very nice game. Good graphics (specially the sharks), easy to get into and very fun. For me it's even better now in the emulators era, because is a very friendly game to give a go when you don't have much time to spare.

Sir Fred, 25 Aug 2009 (Rating: 5)

The best spanish game with La Abadia del Crimen. Awesome movements, colourful and funny graphics and a trully original story (rescue a princess from the castle she's hold captive). Well, perhaps not so original after all ...

A very difficult game also, and can be frustrating until you control the character's inertia. Once you are done with the controls, you'll find you can do a lot of things: Walk, run, jump, climb, swim, dive, pick up and throw objets, fight with a sword or a bow. I've always considered it as the precursor of Prince of Persia.

Thanatos, 25 Aug 2009 (Rating: 4)

Big sprite. I mean BIG. And smooth enough to make the experience very pleasing.

I also like very much the way the scroll is done playing with the perspective.

The game itself is quite easy and short, but quite enjoyable. Ah, and the dragon sprite is BIG!.

Turbo Esprit, 25 Aug 2009 (Rating: 5)

Grand Theft Auto in your spectrum. Well, not really, but at the time this game was released the people of Rockstar probably didn't know what a beer was.

One of those games that went ahead its time several years, sowing the seed of the "sandbox" games.

And the game itself is very funny, and still playable nowadays.

Head over Heels, 27 Aug 2009 (Rating: 4)

Good isometric game. A lot of people think it's the best speccy game, but I find it too similar to most isometric games, just like Knight Lore but lacks the WOW factor of this one had when it was released.

In fact, it's a 3D platform/action more than a true adventure game. That's probably the problem with me and HoH, I think the isometric engine suites better to adventures (ala WTSS) where you get involved in the atmosphere and don't have to simply get over one screen after another collecting items and avoiding badies.

But if you like this kind of games, this is probably the best in its genre (personally I prefer Batman).

Batman, 27 Aug 2009 (Rating: 4)

Very similar game to HoH. I prefer this one though, probably for the design of the main character, which I find very funny.

The Great Escape, 27 Aug 2009 (Rating: 5)

Excellent adventure. Big, atmospheric and making perfect use of the isometric engine.

Where Time Stood Still, 27 Aug 2009 (Rating: 5)

IMHO, the best isometric game. Huge map, great history, absolutely atmospheric (from the loading screen it distilles a smell of "B series terror film")

Very good difficulty level, allowing you to explore quite a lot without being too easy to complete.

Good music (128k only), very good graphics, awesome script, a lot of "souvenirs" from terror and adventure movies (the rolling stones, the monster in the lake ...).

Awesome game.

Footballer of the Year, 27 Aug 2009 (Rating: 3)

Fun game where you take the role of a football player willing to make a successful career.

Gets boring after some time.

The Way of the Exploding Fist, 02 Sep 2009 (Rating: 5)

The best martial arts simulator (imho) for the Spectrum. Still very playable and funny.

Renegade, 02 Sep 2009 (Rating: 4)

Very good beat'em up. Nice graphics, movement, sounds ... Very nice overall.

Target: Renegade, 02 Sep 2009 (Rating: 5)

Excellent continuation to Renegade.

Uses the same polished style (good graphics, movements, sounds, etc.) but this one is easier, what is a plus for me (it could be a less for others, though). I love the 128k music and overall the 2 player cooperative mode: Awesome.

Commando, 02 Sep 2009 (Rating: 5)

Probably not the best shot'em up technically, but surely it's one of the most enjoyable.

I love this game: easy to play, hard to master, and every technical or visual aspect is good enough to achieve the goal: Pure gameplay.

Army Moves, 02 Sep 2009 (Rating: 3)

I have read stack's review and he's probably right.

But for me this game is far too hard to be enjoyable. Aceptable graphics, poor gameplay. (I'm not a good player so if you like challenges do not take this review in consideration).

Camelot Warriors, 02 Sep 2009 (Rating: 3)

This game hold my imagination for years until I could finally grab a copy and try it. Wich such detailed and colourful graphics, nice map and funny history (the description of the items you have to collect) I expected much more than a pixel-perfect-at-the-exact-moment platform game.

I find much more enjoyable to watch the rzx than to play it. Still, I have too many memories on this little game to score it lower than 3.

Lunar Jetman, 02 Sep 2009 (Rating: 2)

See WhenIwasCruel review and lesser 1 second.

The Muncher, 02 Sep 2009 (Rating: 2)

Too bad scrolling and movements to deserve a better score. The main character being so big is not excuse for it (see Thanatos, Trap Door, etc).

It's a pitty because I like eating people and smashing cars and buildings. I had tons of hype when this game was released, bought it, tried it, tried harder to like it, spent some time on it, but for no good. Nowadays I've loaded it again in an emulator to see if I could find it better now. Perhaps I just expected too much.

Skyscraper of Doom, 15 Dec 2009 (Rating: 3)

Despite the bugs that force you to restart the game if you find them (like the one that makes the objets dissapear if you drop them near the elevator), this is a quite interesting game for several reasons: Solid and involving story, nice graphics (with a touch of 80's style that makes the game very appealing for me) and very atmospheric. An adjusted difficulty level makes it good for "bad action players" like me.

In the minus side: the bugs, and it gets a bit repetitive after a while.

Nice game overall.