
Reviews by Toast (2)

Guardian II: Revenge of the Mutants, 02 Sep 2012 (Rating: 4)

This is a good fast paced little shooter. One of my old favorites. Once you get the hang of the controls ie there is no left/right, just a thrust key and turn key, there really is a lot of fun to be had. Lots of different little aliens that behave in different ways. Very smooth movement and scrolling, bombs that destroy all on screen, a cloaking device and teleporting device.
A few graphical glitches here and there are the only problems but they're not so bad that it ruins the game.
128k version has much better sound effects than the 48k version. Both versions make very good use of colour. Great for playing for short amounts of time. Very addictive. 4/5

Mailstrom, 24 Dec 2013 (Rating: 4)

A very unique if slightly strange game.

You play a postman. To progress you have to post each days letters. Thats it really.

Of course thats not mentioning the fact that your van talks to you like Kit from knightrider. You can upgrade your Postman Pat-esque van with "super pursuit mode" and fit various weapon systems with which you can dispatch the wandering baddies that for some unknown reason don't like you posting letters.

Near the end of each day there is the far too tempting to refuse pub "The Grapes" where if you enter it you become intoxicated and a policeman appears in front of your van leaving you with daring choice.

Overall its a subtly creative game with a very dry sense of humour.