
Reviews by thehive (4)

Chuckie Egg, 11 Sep 2009 (Rating: 5)

One of the few games on the Spectrum that are well worth a Score of 5. Superbly balanced gameplay and that "just one more go" appeal combine to make this one of the best platform games of the era.

Jetpac, 11 Sep 2009 (Rating: 4)

The first game that I played on a Spectrum - I still have very fond memories of this 16k wonder. Replaying it today proves it's aged pretty well too.
Lovely, colourful sprites, fast paced gameplay, a simple control method. Just genius.

Lunar Jetman, 11 Sep 2009 (Rating: 2)

Dreadful, just dreadful. I remember buying this after loving the fantastic Jetpac, expecting something similar. Wrong! The game is far too hard from the outset. One of Ultimates failures in my opinion.

Manic Miner, 11 Sep 2009 (Rating: 5)

Awesome game, and still very playable today. The benchmark for all platform games, with perfectly balanced gameplay, great graphics, progressively harder levels, and a maddening tune that gets into your head. Brill!