Spirit Steering Wheel
Spirit Software
C&VG (Computer & Video Games) Issue 31, May 1984   page(s) 158


If exercise is the name of the game, then these two new Spectrum add-ons will interest you. A driving module is now available for the Spectrum, similar in function to the add-on for the ColecoVision. It's a steering wheel contraption which plugs into the Spectrum to add reality to those road race games.

The device is produced by Spirit Software which is based in London. I can't tell you anymore about the company as they don't have a phone number at the moment. But if we hear any more news about this product, then you'll be the first to know.

Also recently announced is an exercise bike complete with computer interface.

The idea seems to be that you use it like a joystick. In your attempts to out-run a Pac-Man, the faster you pedal, the faster you move on screen.

Sounds quite clever, really, but rather tiring. After 20 screens of action, your legs'll probably feel a little worse for wear.

If you'd like to try your own hand (leg?), then details are from Micro Scope in Maidenhead.

Transcript by Chris Bourne

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