Static Buster
Integrity Solutions
Your Sinclair Issue 14, Feb 1987   page(s) 40,41


Are you having a hard time choosing the right hardware? Hard but Steve Adams has the lowdown on the latest hardware. And it's all under £100.

Integrity Solutions

A static charge as low as 250 volts can mean premature death for your Speccy's chips. And just walking across a carpet can charge you up to a wacking 35,000 volts. Sparks will fly! Integrity Solutions is leading the fight against fried chips with its new Static Buster (who ya gonna call?). This nifty little unit earths your screen and keyboard to any convenient groundpoint, like a radiator pipe or window frame, via two little black self-adhesive electrodes. These black numbers stick to your appliance of science and connect to two sockets on the Static Buster. A stylish alternative to operating your equipment wearing a pair of rubber gloves!

REVIEW BY: Steve Adams

Transcript by Chris Bourne

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