Video Command Joystick
Silica Shop
C&VG (Computer & Video Games) Issue 29, Mar 1984   page(s) 63

Video Command is a baseless stick with a control grip secured to the top of the shaft.

The fire button is mounted half way down the shaft so that you fire with the same hand as you hold the stick.

The stick is good on shoot-'em-ups, but the lack of a firm base makes it difficult to handle the tight cornering required in maze games.

Manufactured by Imagic - the makers of the Imagic range of video games - the stick is in the shops at £12.99.


Design of the stick means that it is extremely lightweight and easy to use. Fire response was adequate. The only drawback is that the short knob controller may make the stick difficult to use in games where a large amount of manoeuvring is required.

Transcript by Chris Bourne

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