Adventure Planner
Print'n'Plotter Products Ltd
C&VG (Computer & Video Games) Issue 43, May 1985   page(s) 114

For a long time now arcade freaks have had joysticks, and hackers have had modems, but there have been no real accessories for the cream of the micro-users, that A-team of the keyboard - the Adventurers!

Print and Plotter, the company that became famous for its graphics planners for the ZX81 and Spectrum, have changed all this with the introduction of the Adventure Planner. This is a tool that no serious would-be hero should be without. It can help you obtain treasure just as easily as it can help to free a beautiful princess.

In the good old days before Manic Miner got to Surbiton, the only planner available was a scrap of paper on which to draw a map. In our rush to progress with the Adventure in hand, the map inevitably becomes covered in a criss-cross collection of lines that would need a road planner to unravel.

The Adventure Planner is a large (11 inches by 16 inches) pad of 50 pages, each one of which has over 150 squares, so that your Adventure can be mapped or planned with ease. With the pad comes some useful hints on how to plan and construct maps. It costs £4.50.

Personal Rating: Can I have another one?

REVIEW BY: Simon Marsh

Transcript by Chris Bourne

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