Kappa Keyboard Cartridge Box
Kappa Keyboards
Sinclair User Issue 34, Jan 1985   page(s) 27


Regular readers of the computer press may remember a bright idea sent in by a reader some time ago for storing microdrive cartridges. He suggested that some types of photographic slide boxes were just the right size to hold a dozen cartridges.

Not the sort of people to let a good idea go to waste, Kappa Keyboards, whose address is given elsewhere in Hardware World, obtained some slide boxes, printed its logo and an index on the top, and the Kappa Keyboards Cartridge Box was born. For £0.99 you get just that - a slide box with a printed lid.

If, however, you do not want the printing and only want to spend a fraction of that amount then contact your nearest photographic stockist.

Transcript by Chris Bourne

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